+017 480 1445 harrismajdi7401@prupartner.com.my






About PruBSN

Awarded Takaful Operator Brand of The Year

Harris Majdi as PruBSN wealth planner, I provide a solution in terms of protection products for individuals, families, and businesses in Malaysia. Committed to being the best and fulfilling my clients' needs as a first priority. Our products are designed to meet the evolving needs of our customers, and our wide range of insurance solutions offer them peace of mind and financial security.

Award Winning
Professional Staff
24/7 Support
Fair Prices
Call to ask any question

+017 480 1445

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Pricing Plans

We are Offering Affordable Prices for Our Clients

Medical Card Lelaki

Medical Card Perempuan

Hibah dan pampasan sakit kritikal Lelaki

Hibah dan pampasan sakit kritikal Perempuan

Click here for more protection plans Click here if you want detailed quotation tailored to your budget

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